Canare is one of the most well-known leaders in pro audio and video solutions for cables, patchbays and panels, connectors, and assemblies.

Canare creates stronger connections between people for tomorrow’s future using innovative professional A/V systems that empower sound technicians, professional broadcast engineers, A/V facility integrators, design consultants, and many OEMs.
Canare’s mission is always to be ‘The Professionals’ Choice’. They are a globally recognized and trusted manufacturer of pro audio, video cables, SMPTE HFO camera cables, BNC, F & RCA connectors, patchbays, cable reels, snake systems, assemblies, converters, and other related products for the professional audio and video industry.

As a key player in the A/V industry for unparalleled smart-choice solutions with proven reliability and unrivaled customer service, Canare is able to meet the growing demand of clients with the highest quality wares and service. Their products are manufactured in compliance with EU RoHS, ISO 9001, and ISO 14001 standards.
Cables for Audio/Video, Connectors, and Reels
A/V and broadcast industry preferred cables and connectors. Recognized and accepted by broadcast engineers, sound technicians, audiophiles and consultants for its flexible yet durable construction, low-loss, low-noise qualities.
The products range from microphone/speaker cables, multi-channel audio cables, AES/EBU digital audio cables, DMX cables, Ethernet cables, 75 Ohm Coaxial cables, BNC connectors to 12G SDI rated models and more – in both fixed installation and mobile applications.

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